Nail fungus is an insidious infection that sneaks its way onto your body and latches on. Once it has established itself it is very hard to get rid of it. You often won't even know you have it until it is too late. It can start with a few red spots on your toes followed with a small white or yellow spot on your toe nail. You can try to treat it with athlete's foot powder or cream but once it is embedded in your nail no regular cream or powder will kill it off.
Where Did I Get It?
Nail fungus can thrive in different environments but it generally likes warm, humid areas like gym bathrooms, locker rooms and swimming pools. Additionally, sharing personal items such as nail clippers, towels, or shoes can easily transfer the spores from one person to another.
Poor foot hygiene and inadequate ventilation in shoes can also create a perfect breeding ground for nail fungus. When feet are kept damp and enclosed for prolonged periods, it increases the likelihood of the fungus taking hold. Moreover, individuals with compromised immune systems, diabetes, or circulation issues are particularly susceptible, as their bodies may struggle to fight off infections.
It Is Highly Contagious!
Millions of people are infected with onychomycosis or nail fungus, because of its ease of transferance from person to person and from surfaces to humans. It can affect fingernails but is more common in toenails because the wearing of closed toe shoes is so common. Once the foot is in a shoe, it is enclosed in a warm, dark and moist environment where nail fungus thrives and multiplies. It is estimated that over 11 million people in the United States alone are affected by nail fungus infections.
How to Prevent Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis) Infection
Prevention of nail fungus infection is not too difficult but takes a little mindfulness. When showering in public facilities such as pools, gyms and locker rooms wear waterproof shoes such as flip flops that will prevent direct contact with floors and walls that may carry the fungus. Wearing flip flops or other water resistant shoes such as Crocs or river shoes around wet pool areas is also a good preventative measure.
If you are barefoot in an area that has a high probability of being contaminated make sure to clean your feet thoroughly and use an antifungal foot powder as soon as possible. Rinsing feet with peroxide or using an anti-bacterial soap can help thwart an infection as well.
When trimming your nails do not remove the cuticle as it acts as a barrier to protect the nail. Always clean your clippers before use as well.
NF Remedy To The Rescue
NF Remedy is your friend when it comes to getting rid of nail fungus. It is a safe and effective way to eliminate this unwanted hitch hiker. One bottle is generally more than enough to get rid of it so there will be enough left over to use as a preventative if you have been in a place that likely is contaminated